Testimonial – Toby T. (Sydney)

“My new brother Jackson is awesome…he and I are getting along very very well. He is being gentle with me and showing me the ropes around the house. We play lots especially late in the evening so I get tired and sleep well… I am very “mouthy” and like shoes, pant legs, and anything on […]

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Testimonial – Carol W. (Riley)

“First, thank you so much for your commitment and dedication for producing and nurturing beings that are exquisite in so many ways. Secondly, our heartfelt appreciation for the professional and uncompromising practices you employ to deliver these joyful bundles to their new homes. We had a perfect trip home with my sweetheart snuggling and sleeping […]

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Testimonial – Kathie C. (Sky)

We just wanted you to know Sky is doing wonderful.  She is loving and brilliant, I just can’t say enough about her.  She is getting along with her new brothers.  She is already a pro at sitting, lying down, shaking paw, etc.  In my experience, I have not had such a young pup that is […]

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